
Happy Nurse Day!

The entire MHF organization wishes a happy Nurse Day to MHF's nurses!
May 12 is observed as the International Nurses' Day across the world to honor the services of nurses. This date marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, an English social reformer, statistician and founder of modern nursing.

Patients rely on nurses every day. Nurses are the foundation of good care organizations. Due to their constant proximity with patients, they get special insight into their specific needs. They are the link between doctors and patients. Nurses carry out the care plan with medication and treatment administration, keeping a close eye on each patient.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses across the world worked tirelessly to prevent deaths, much like Florence Nightingale. In India, nurses and other frontline workers were hailed as “COVID warriors” due to their service in the most testing times. However, the pandemic also highlighted the global shortage of nurses.

According to the International Council of Nurses, the shortage of nurses is a serious threat to public health and must be addressed at the earliest. The body also advocates the rights, safety and wellbeing of nurses.

The theme for 2022 nurses' day:
A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health, which focuses on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world!

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General: +1-721-542-1677

Admission: ext. 513
Care at home: ext. 506/504/511
Clinic care: ext. 501
Day learning center: ext. 507
Short and long stay: ext. 507
Internships and jobs: ext. 516

Admission: +1-721-585-8422
Emergency: +1-721-585-5556


Admission: 24/7
Admission visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm
Clinic care: Mon → Fri, 8:00am → 4:30pm
Care at home: 8:00am → 4:30pm
Day learning center: 8:00am → 3:00pm
Short and long stay visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm
Prescriptions and refills:
Call from 9:00am → 12:00pm, or Email.

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